How To Completely Remove Navbar From Blogger

Blogger is famous for allowing its users to completely customize the look of blog. most of the people don't like the navigation bar (also called as address bar) on the top of blog as it takes some extra space and don't look good .
You will find many resources that will show you how to hide navbar but completely removing the navbar from your blogger blog is something different that's what i will show you, that is how you can completely remove navbar widget  from your blog and even from your html code.

Step 1 : Go to the template section and then click on "edit html" to proceed to the html section

Step 2: check "expand widgets"

Step 3: remove the following code from your html

<b:section class='navbar' id='navbar' maxwidgets='1' showaddelement='no'> 
<b:widget id='Navbar1' locked='true' title='Navbar' type='Navbar'> 
<b:includable id='main'> 
------ Some More Code--- 

Step 4 : Once you remove the code of the Navbar widget from your template html code save the template .while saving the template your will be asked if you want to keep the navbar widget or delete it . Delete the navbar widget and you are good to go.

NOTE : Always download your blog template first before making any changes to it .